
New Year, New Smile!

Did you know 80% of dogs and 85% of cats over the age of 3 have some sort of dental disease? Could your pet be one of them? Following on from some advanced dental training for our vets and nurses here at Copthorne Vets, we are pleased to announce we will be running [...]

2020-02-18T22:07:05+00:00February 1st, 2020|Tags: |

Behaviour Clinic

Copthorne Vets Behaviour Clinics will help you and your pet enjoy life. Behaviour problems can be variable and complex. For this reason, to fully understand what is going on we need to gain a thorough history to have the best chance of improvement. Once your pet has been accepted as [...]

2023-12-01T16:10:04+00:00December 5th, 2019|Tags: , |
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