Saturday Opening Hours
You may have already noticed that we have extended our Saturday opening hours and we are now open until 3pm every Saturday. We wanted to be able to offer our [...]
Pet Dental Health Month is back in November
After the huge success of our last Pet Dental Health Month, back in February 2020, we are delighted to say that we are doing it all again in November! Did [...]
Goodbye and Good Luck to Clare
Veterinary Surgeon and Partner Clare Hacker has retired from the Copthorne Vets Team after over 30 years of service. She only ever intended to stay for a couple of years, [...]
Congratulations Zoe and Sarah!
We've had lots to celebrate recently with not one, but two of our student nurses qualifying to become Registered Veterinary Nurses. Firstly, Zoë Griffiths, who achieved a FIRST CLASS HONOURS [...]
A big Copthorne WELCOME to the lovely Laura and Ralph!
Laura joined us on reception a few months ago, from her previous role as a human medical receptionist, and has already met quite a few faces. She has really hit [...]
We’ve extended our Saturday hours
Exciting news... we are extending our Saturday opening hours! With consultation slots becoming busier and everyone's need for more flexibility with life (hopefully) returning to normal, we are pleased to [...]
Congratulations Lauren
Receptionist Lauren makes running our busy reception look easy! But there is a lot more to being a veterinary receptionist than simply answering the phone and greeting clients. From managing [...]
How-To Videos
If you follow us on Facebook you will have seen some of the amazing 'how to.....' videos that Veterinary Nurse Jo has been filming to help our clients care for [...]
Covid-19 Update: Nearly 12 months on…
The last 10 months have certainly been challenging for a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Back in March 2020 when we were first told to 'Stay [...]
Dogs and Lockdown
The Dogs Trust has some great advice for looking after your dogs during lockdown, here are just a few of them, please visit their website for more Indoor games [...]
COVID-19 Update – November 2020
We are an Essential Business and will remain OPEN during the second National Lockdown On the 31st of October, the Prime Minister announced that England would enter a national lockdown [...]
Covid-19 Update – October 2020
Since March the world has certainly been a different place and we have all had to get used to doing things differently. From social distancing and wearing facemasks to meeting [...]
Available Fact Sheets
How-To Series
We’ve put together a series of helpful How-To videos – check them out.
Let’s Be Social
Call us today 01743 360614
Monday to Friday: 9am-7pm | Saturday: 9am-3pm | Sunday: Closed
Please note our hours may vary due to COVID-19.