Fact Sheet: Diarrhoea
Diarrhoea Diarrhoea is very common in dogs and also seen sometimes in cats. There are numerous different causes, depending on species, and treatment depends on the individual [...]
Update Telephone Consultations
We'd just like to inform our clients that telephone consultations can now be booked via our Book Now page. For more details on telephone consultations, please take a moment to [...]
Fact Sheet: Vomiting
Vomiting Vomiting is a very common presenting complaint for dogs at the vets, and less commonly cats. It has a number of different causes, including dietary, gastrointestinal [...]
Fact Sheet: Cystitis and Urinary Infections
Cystitis and Urinary Infections The term 'cystitis' means inflammation of the bladder. This can be bacterial or sterile, the likelihood of which depends on the species and [...]
Telephone Consultations
The team at Copthorne Vets want to reassure you that we are here to look after the health and well being of your pets during these challenging times. In response [...]
Fact sheet: Cat Vaccinations
Vaccinations - Cats What do they cover for? In the UK we routinely vaccinate our cats against feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus and feline panleucopaenia virus. These three [...]
Fact sheet: Dog Vaccinations
Vaccinations - Dogs What do they cover for? In the UK we routinely vaccinate our dogs against four core diseases - distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and leptospirosis. But [...]
New Year, New Smile!
Did you know 80% of dogs and 85% of cats over the age of 3 have some sort of dental disease? Could your pet be one of them? [...]
Open Day A Huge Success
A huge thank you to everyone that came to support our open day on Saturday, we hope you enjoyed it as much as us! It was wonderful to [...]
Graduation Day For Anna
Huge congratulations to Anna on receiving her Certificate of Diploma in Veterinary Nursing. Veterinary Nurse Anna recently attended her graduation ceremony in Warwick where she received her very [...]
Available Fact Sheets
How-To Series
We’ve put together a series of helpful How-To videos – check them out.
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Monday to Friday: 9am-7pm | Saturday: 9am-3pm | Sunday: Closed
Please note our hours may vary due to COVID-19.